I couldn’t believe that I could make a mug cake in 15 mins. Having noticed recipes thrown out by blogs saying 15 mins this and 10 mins that. I believed only 20% of them if I strongly felt that the recipe would take only that much of your time. Recently I saw a tweet quoting Mug Cake in 20 mins. OMG… that was unbelievable for me.
Maybe i’m not a regular baker and i’m not a close friend of conventional and latest ovens… Getting old may be ????
And the pictures which accompany these tweets and facebook posts are really scrumptious. Cakes look fresh, yum, moist, and whatnot.
As a blogger, carried away by these deceiving pictures, I had a strong feeling to get it done in my kitchen too. I can lift a mug cake and say “Hurray, i have a mug cake”. With high spirits of getting a small cute mug cake done, gathered all ingredients within 5 minutes and whipping the batter took less than 10 minutes.
I have never seen a mug cake batter and I have never ever put a glass cup in my oven. Gathering all strength, I put my mug cakes in the oven and turned it ON. Had a wooden pinner in my hand as part of safety. If my oven bursts or glass cups break, I can switch off my oven.
Luckily, my sweet old oven and glass cups supported me and within 5 mins of baking time, cake has fluffed up and looked gorgeous.
Took them out to take a few pictures. It was about to rain…. Oh No… it was a bit dark despite it being afternoon. I could guess how bad the pictures are going to be. As you can see, few turned out well and few looked awful. So please bear with me for the bad pictures.
Kids helped me get the pictures of chocolate sauce dripping over the cakes. We had to do it bit fast as it was getting dark and we had to gulp these cakes. The moment the chocolate sauce was smothered, it looked even more tempting and we couldn’t resist ourselves.
Soft cake and the chocolate sauce over it is a good combo. These mini cakes are what kids need when they are hungry. Its very easy to make and really took only 15 mins for the whole job except for the cleaning i had to do as bits of cake pieces and sauce had made the place messy. My kitchen is messy after a cooking session is over. When i find them messy, i clean whatever is possible within 15 mins of time. Otherwise i am very bad and i keep it on hold. Iam too bad. Iam very clear on that. That said, a quick cleaning is done and i sat on my couch to enjoy the mug cakes with kids.
So here goes the Chocolate glazed Mug Cake Recipe Card:

15-minute Chocolate Glazed Mug Cake
- 20 gms – Brown Sugar
- 10 gms – Castor Sugar
- 3 tablespoon – Ghee
- 1 – Egg
- 1 teaspoon – Vanilla essence
- 1 tablespoon – yogurt
- 30 gms – All Purpose Flour
- 30 gms – Whole wheat flour
- small pinch – salt
- 1 teaspoon – Baking powder
- In a large mixing bowl, combine brown sugar, castor sugar, ghee, egg, vanilla essence, yogurt and whip up until smooth. Fold in All purpose flour, wheat flour, salt, Baking powder until all ingredients are well combined
- Scoop into small mugs with the batter so that its half filled. Do not fill till the rim as the batter will raise. Use ice cream scooper to scoop the batter perfectly
- Fill half of the large flat bottomed baking bowl with water. Water filled baking bowl is used to avoid cake getting dried. Place these mugs in water filled baking bowl. Place Baking bowl with batter filled mugs in the oven.
- Close the baking bowl with a lid. Bake for 5 minutes or until cake is well cooked.